MEADOW RELAXING SOUNDS -Wildflowers, Birds, Countryside Ambience- Stress Relief, Meditate, Sleep

2 years ago

A gentle breeze murmurs over the countryside. On this early summer afternoon, we sit among the tall grass and rainbow flowers of a vast flower-filled clearing. The sky is clear above us, and in the air we hear the songs of countless birds and the buzzing of busy insects. We allow ourselves to be lulled by these peaceful sounds, until a tranquil peace takes our mind away from the problem of the world.

In the frenetic culture we live in, finding a moment of peace seems almost impossible, because the concrete jungle has no time for our needs. But Nature is still all around us, and her gentle voice is telling a very different story: all we have to do is listen to her. And the sound of Nature will sing songs of peace and serenity, and will give us the chance to forget for a moment the distress of the world.

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The Soul of Nature is the best choice on YouTube for white noise and nature sounds to help you sleep, study or simply relax.

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