2 years ago

"IT'S SAFE AND EFFECTIVE" - We have heard those words before - even very recently. We were told by the President of the United States that regardless of circumstances, to take a medicine that could harm or even kill us OR ELSE HAVE OUR LIVES RUINED.

This meant some Americans who rejected getting the jab for personal, medical or religious reasons - were fired outright for it by companies or were threatened and intimidated into taking the jab. This criminal act has cost many and at this point, no one is being held accountable.

Watch this video and ask yourself, has my government ever told its citizens that something is fine - safe to use, then suddenly reversed course?

These clips in this video are real. DDT was considered a "miracle pesticide" until it wasn't, but by then the damage was done.

Here is some more information about DDT on the web: https://birthdefects.org/ddt-2/

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