Biohome Coral ?? What Do YOU Think?

2 years ago

As far as I know this is a truly unique product and I know bugger-all about it as a consequence - it's a random collection of natural shaped, highly porous, effective filter media which you can make your own aquarium structures from.
It has all the benefits of a deep sand bed or live rock but has none of the dangers or drawbacks.
As we know from people using Biohome Bricks and larger forms or the Biohome pellet shaped media (e.g. Maxi Ultimate) in sumps the structure is perfect for corals to colonize. It also can grow masses of Java Fern on it imagine that same structure made into a more attractive form in your tank. Yup, sounds good to me.
Let me know if you'd be interested in this as a product to buy in the video comments section.
Want some now? - If you have a Youtube channel / Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / Tik Tok channel / page or any other CIA / FBI / PRC 'social' media and would be interested in testing this 'Biohome Coral' in your tank to show others then please contact me (Richard) at and I can arrange that for you no problem.
I'd be interested to hear what you think since I'm excited about this after having the time to mess about making different structures which are not only attractive but also functional.
Filter Kits, Foams, Biohome, Biogravel etc:
(FilterPro site has links to Biohome suppliers in other countries)

See below for notes on how much media is recommended for different stocking scenarios. The Q&A page of the FilterPro site has extensive notes on recommended treatments and how filtration works.

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Don't "eat ze bugs" - grow your own food and create a new system ....... you can check out my efforts to create a new system to navigate Agenda 2030 on my Thousand Yard Stare channel:

The following videos will be useful for learning more about filtration and filter media:
Sizing a canister properly and filter set up:
Looking INSIDE different filter media:
Bacteria and filter media:
How to clean an aquarium:
Aquarium tips / filtration playlist:

A full cycle is completed by bacteria - the aerobic part of biological filtration which processes ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate followed by an anaerobic part which processes nitrate into soluble nitrogen which bubbles off to the atmosphere.
Therefore it requires a suitable amount of excellent quality filter media to be able to provide the environment for both aerobic AND anaerobic bacteria - that is what Biohome filter media does perfectly but even with such good media there are limitations and we recommend the following amounts for different stocking scenarios:
(1 US Gallon = 3.8 litres)
(1kg = 2.2 lbs)
Average community tropical aquarium = 1kg per 100 litres
Average coldwater aquarium = 1kg - 1.5kg per 100 litres
Predator aquarium = 1.5kg - 2kg per 100 litres
Large cichlid aquarium = 1.5kg - 2kg per 100 litres
Malawi / Tanganyikan aquarium = 1.5kg - 2kg per 100 litres
Marine aquarium = 1.5kg - 2kg per 100 litres
Average mixed fish pond = 1kg per 200 litres
Average koi pond = 1kg per 150 litres

You may be disagreeing with the above figures but remember that they are for a FULL CYCLE not half a job - achieving 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite is quite easy since aerobic bacteria grows freely on any surface but the anaerobic bacteria responsible for COMPLETING the cycle needs more a specialized habitat.
Remember to use a water conditioner which does not bind / detoxify ammonia, nitrite or nitrate as that type of conditioner will severely limit bacteria numbers by starving the bacteria of 'food'.
Size a filter properly, set it up sensibly and you will have perfect water - it's that simple....and your filter won't be the dreaded 'Nitrate factory''ll spend less money on treatments too......basically the filter is the foundation of a successful aquarium.

We all are on a long path of vis pacem, para bellum.


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