Coffee With Jesus, S2 Ep. 4: God on the Fly

1 year ago

How does fly fishing relate to our life in Christ?

Join us in God on the Fly, as our hosts Rick and Sarah reflect on what fly fishing taught them about God and loving others. The serenity they experience in fly fishing allows them to connect with the majesty of God, and the interaction with the fish speaks to them about how to value and be sensitive to the people around us. They both relate those fly-fishing experiences to their day-to-day life in their Christian journey.

Accompany Sarah as she takes you on a guided fly-fishing trip in Montana. She was looking for the opportunity to quiet her mind and center herself rather than catching a lot of fish. As she connected with nature, she got less concerned about the perfect casting technique and let the fishing rod do the work. That was when she caught the most fish. Similarly, in our walk with Christ, we need to take time to be still, let go of control, and let God do the work in us. She recalls Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

Contemplate the ripples in the water with Rick. Those ripples remind him that beneath the surface of people, a lot is going on that we don’t know. Rick talks about the need for us to be sensitive to other people’s ripples and how to cast and share our true hope with them in love.

Listen to this episode and take delight as you navigate with our hosts through vivid stories of how they found the beauty in fly fishing, which is all about interacting with the fish rather than about throwing the perfect cast. In the same way, there is not a perfect technique to be fishers of men. We only need to love others as God loves us and look for the interaction.

Let’s be still, seek those ripples, cast, and let God do the work through us.

Special Guest Hosts! Sara van Driel and Rick Schuette

Brought to you by Coffee With Jesus Ministries:

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