Congratulations Humanity on Eight Billion Souls

2 years ago

The world's population will continue to grow until we top out at around 10 billion. I read that somewhere.

We must and will continue global economic growth so that, eventually, every country has the same living standard and consumption rates as the lower middle class in the United States of New Miracles.

The one percent will continue to grow their wealth and control and steward mankind on an epic journey.

Resources are virtually unlimited in the cloud world because Fusion energy will eventually provide the power to run the CPUs. And for a long while, we will still need humans in goggles to fill the cloud with their mysterious consciousness vis-a-vis wondrous interfaces.

But don't worry, we won't become cyborgs. Old-time religion will continue its comeback, so the soul will be safely embedded in the human likeness of God. Earthbound flesh will continue its rein on earth for some time to come.

Geniuses like Jeff and Elon will find ways to get rare earth metals and minerals from asteroids and Mars.

Robotic Factories will make our stuff leaving us more time for hobbies, prayer, and worship, not to mention golf and polo.

We will replace the natural web of life on earth with synthetic life and printed steaks for breakfast with lab eggs from China. And we will see no contradictions in any of this because God works through man's free will in mysterious ways.

After America wins its war against Russia and China, every region of the world will have a Hollywood (decentralized) and a Disney Land with lots of adorable humanoid robots performing fanciful entertainment.

There won't be a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, but rather, a White Christian Lead Global Western Civilisation.

The Global South, minus New Zealand, Australia, and Israel, will be looked after by "The West" as long as they pay tribute. And they will — believe it; they will.

The Temple will be rebuilt, and then, many generations from now, the Tribulations can start, and all the Biblical prophecies will come to pass, and humanity will sin no more.

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