Slipper mouth lies about Jason breaching data protection debunked by slipper mouth himself

2 years ago

Davy Russell obtained Slipper mouth's address and put out 4 digits of his postcode, not Jason as slipper mouth keeps claiming, slipper mouth has jumped from panel to panel claiming that Jason doxed slipper mouths, kids when Jason never has slipper mouth also claimed Jason breached data protection to obtain slipper mouth's address fact is it was Davy that obtained slipper mouths address, thanks for proving yourself to be a liar yet again slipper mouth. Slipper mouth you claim to be a very busy man yet you are keeping yourself busy smearing people's names with your lies, why keep making a fool of yourself on the internet and not put your time to better use looking after your family. ps slipper it was Davy that did a video wearing a dragons teeshirt

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