GORAP - Episode 6 (Final)) - Adoration - Worshipping Allah | Learn Islam Noetic.

2 years ago

"And I did not create the Djin (Spirit world) and the man-kind except to worship me. " - Surah Ar Rahman(Repetitive)

"There is no one worthy of worship, except Allah." In this episode we tell about the importance of Worshipping Allah and what it truly means.

Source : https://learnislamnoetic.wixsite.com/noetic-1/post/adoration-worshipping-allah

Course by Sapience Institute : https://learn.sapienceinstitute.org/courses/awakening-the-truth-within/

adoration #quran #allah #islam #worshippinggod #worship #hamzaandreastzortzis #sapienceinstitute #learnislamNoetic #GORAP

Adoration | Quran | Allah | Worship | Islam | Purpose.

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