2 years ago

Kim Russell interviews Marco Missinato

La Via dell'Anima

This is part 4 of an 8 part series called EXITING THE INVERTED MATRIX.

Marco and Kim talk about how artificial light needs the dark in order to exist, and how it gave us the ability to play the game. He goes on to say how there is an organic light that we find at the end of the game, that will show us how we are just playing the roles of light and darkness. We also discuss the light beings and how we are all light beings because we come from source, and how some souls decided to wear avatars and some did not. Marco describes the difference being the angels that are part of the game and the real angels, but that the real angels are beyond duality and that we are the real angels. We are in a very low frequency at this time, and in order for angels to come down to this level they must incarnate, but that we are all unique and equally important.

Marco tells how evil and good are needed for the polarity game, and how we needed the contrast of dark and light in order to have an experience. Marco explains how the reptilians have given us a very dark experience, and Kim asks about the darker aspects of life and what the dangers are for taking the dark path. The Danger is that you start to separate beyond the point of no return and your soul can disintegrate and return to source, but how a certain faction of the reptilians have separated and turned into artificial intelligence (A.I.) who are like locust feeding on everything.

The A.I. do not have an imagination so in order to create they mind control us to get us to use our imagination to create the reality that they want, but that they are like a spiral that is only going down. They are soulless narcissists who are thirsty for power, and they favor the humans with those traits in order to use them as puppets to be our so-called leaders. But this planet is raising its frequencies and they will have to evacuate the planet, or be dismantled and taken back to the central sun where they will have to start a new brand new journey.

We wear a lot of masks and pretend we are fine, but underneath we retain a lot of darkness. The dark agenda is helping us to wake up right now by agitating all of the darkness and bringing it into our reality so that it can not stay dormant anymore. All of our ego based stuff is coming to the surface so we can release it so that we can go back to our original blueprint which is pure and crystal clear.

Stay tuned for part 5

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