ARMOR OF GOD: Session 5 | The Helmet of Salvation, 6/8

2 years ago


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The Helmet of Salvation is often identified as the moment we are saved. However, Paul is writing to Christian who are already saved and salvation is not something that can be earned or has to be earned daily. So what salvation is Paul referring to? The Armor of God is about spiritual warfare and defending against Satan. A blow to the head is just as deadly in real life as a blow to your mind is deadly to your faith. Put on your helmet!

MUSIC CREDITS: Stock Music provided by mv_production, from Pond5
PHOTO CREDITS: Ivan Stern, James Coleman, and Alicia Quan on

0:00 Opening title
0:18 Setting the scene
4:30 Utility of the helmet in Roman armor
7:09 The Helmet in Spiritual Warfare
15:12 Three parts of Salvation
18:31 Summary
20:32 Closing

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