Ep 188: The Solution To Affordable Healthcare Amidst Inflation with Mike Sharman

2 years ago

In this episode, Courtenay invites Share Healthcare’s chief of legal counsel, Mike Sharman, back to the show to discuss the benefits of Share Healthcare's model, especially during inflation. There’s no surprise that things are becoming increasingly more expensive and unfortunately, when it comes to cutting costs, most people are turning to their healthcare burdens first. Mike discusses the ways that Share Healthcare promotes medical freedom, the Christian virtue of sharing burden (which makes medical care more affordable), and ultimately the achievement of happy and healthy lives!

Mike received his JD from the University of Wyoming and his LLM in International Taxation from Regent University School of Law. Since the early 1990s, Mike has represented and advocated for Health Care Sharing Ministries. Mike has represented Health Care Sharing Ministries in administrative agencies, courts, and legislatures in over twenty states. Mike’s law practice has two focuses: the representation of Health Care Sharing Ministries and assisting the survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse.

Connect with Mike Sharman:

Website: https://sharehealthcare.com/

Enroll link: https://app.sharehealthcare.com/enroll?refcode=courtz

Referral code: courtz
Disclaimer: this is intended to be inspiration & entertainment. We aim to inform, inspire & empower. Guest opinions/ statements are not a reflection of the host or podcast. Please note these are conversational dialogues. All statements and opinions are not necessarily meant to be taken as fact. Please do your own research. Thanks for watching! 
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