Christmas is Not Christian

2 years ago

September Baby Jesus

Luke 2:21-38 When Jesus was born, He was circumcised on the eighth day. Mary went to the Temple after the "forty day", time of cleansing, according to the Law for child birth. Leviticus 12:1-4

​Anna was in the Temple praying day and night. Yom Kippur is the only time that the Temple is unlocked all night for a 25 hour time of fasting and prayer. Yom Kippur, according to the Hebrew Lunar Calendar, cross referenced with the Gregorian Calendar that we use today would put His birth in September.

​Hebrew year 3762 Tishre 10 is Oct. 15th. If Jesus was born on the Roman year 1, October 15th minus the 40 days of purification puts His birth at Sept. 5th.

This date is very close to September 11th when The Twin Towers were destroyed. This correlates with what Herod did because No one is exactly sure when Jesus was born so, Herod had all the male infants 2 yrs. and younger murdered because of the birth of the New King. The Magi did not return to Herod so, two years must have passed before he ordered the slaughter of the innocent boys. There was a nursery in one of the Twin Towers.

We are not told to celebrate the birth of Christ and I believe it is because of what Herod did. We celebrate His Resurrection. Please stop calling it Easter. Easter is the English name for the pagan god of fertility, hence, the eggs and rabbits. Praise God our Father for Resurrection Day! And, Praise the Lord Jesus for being obedient to His Father, even unto death on the cross. Not as the fruit of the womb but as the 33 year old Son of Man.

Acts 2:36 ...God has made this Jesus whom (they) crucified both Lord and Christ.

P.S. If you want to buy your children toys, do it all week or the day before and the day after, just don't tell them the fable of an old man called Santa. Christmas day for me was a nicely wrapped present of socks and underwear. I could have used those when I had holes in the old ones. Thanks Santa.

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