Episode 43: Zionist Election Lurch to the Right

1 year ago

He's back... Benjamin Netanyahu, the war criminal mired in corruption allegations is back at the helm of the temporary entity.

The last time he was Prime Minister, over 3,500 Palestinians were killed by Israeli Occupation Forces, including 799 children and 342 women.

His rule led to the destruction of over 8,000 Palestinian homes, leaving over 12,000 homeless. This time, though, he has some new allies with him. The alliance includes parties like Jewish Power, Noam, and Jewish Home. But let's take a look at some of the figures belonging to these parties who are likely to have prominent positions in Netanyahu's cabinet.

Bezalel Smotrich lives in an illegal settlement on the lands of the village Kafr Qaddoum near Nablus. He has previously called for Palestinians to either live as servants to Israelis or be killed. Smotrich is a co-founder of the Regavim organization which descended alongside armed groups onto the Palestinian city of Lydd in a temporary entity to squash the Unity Intifada in May 2021.

Ofir Sofer is another figure tipped for big things in the Netanyahu government. He has previously been a part of Likud and pushed to increase the military budget and Judaize Palestine. He was previously an infantry major in the Israeli military and will play a key role in the coalition.

Almog Cohen is a member of parliament for the Jewish Power Party. He went from the Israeli military to the SWAT team in the police of the Zionist entity. He founded an armed militia to stalk the Palestinians in the Naqab in May of this year. Previously he published a photo of himself in the military kneeling over a Palestinian father and his two sons, with the caption "Those down there remember what I did in the army."The sadistic caption was accompanied by a winking emoji.

Another key ally to the Netanyahu regime is Simha Rothman from the National Union party. He has lived in the illegal settlement of Gush Etzion and is a part of the Temple Mount movement which explicitly calls for the destruction of Al-Aqsa.

Perhaps the most well-known ally of the Netanyahu regime is Itamar Ben-Gvir. The militant Israeli settler was spotted recently wielding his gun in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied al-Quds. He is known to have had a picture of Baruch Goldstein in his home enjoying pride of place.

Baruch Goldstein of course is famous for his attack killing 29 Palestinian worshipers in the Ibrahimi mosque of al-Khalil in 1994.

Ben-Gvir is known to have campaigned as a Kahanist, the movement founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane, whose organization the Jewish Defense League is a designated terrorist group in the United States. He was also a member of the fascist Kach party, which was designated a terror organization by the Zionist entity and even outlawed in 1994. He is now likely to be appointed as Public Security Minister where he will take charge of the Israeli military, despite being disqualified from enlistment in it because of his political affiliations.

Ben-Gvir has even been charged over 50 times in the courts of the temporary entity, so much so, that he became a lawyer to defend himself. He has called for the mass deportation of Palestinians and even politicians who he believes have demonstrated disloyalty to Israel. So as Zionist fascism escalates in occupied Palestine, so too must the resistance.

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