Dancing LIGHT BEAM of UNKNOWN ORIGIN above the cloud?!?!?! #UFO #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

2 years ago

Dancing LIGHT BEAM of UNKNOWN ORIGIN above the cloud?!?!?!

Proof: Raw Footage of the phenomenon from Greenwood, Indiana (US), captured on a cell phone on June 2015

These light are bounced off of one of the spacecraft whose cloak has mal-functioned or they are somehow letting us know to look up in the skies by flashing these huge light beams as part of the DISCLOSURE.

There are thousands of humongous Spacecrafts as well as Spaceships, OURs as well as THEIRs, stationed up in our skies through out the skies of our cities around the world.

They are all either cloaked (vehicles become invisible by projecting everything behind them to the front) or are phasing out so anything can pass through them, even planes...

Most of those ships can be seen using night vision infrared binoculars... over the period of time they perfected to not give out any heat signatures...

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