The Series - The Chosen, Self Implodes

2 years ago

The Way Missions by Marshall Frasier
For those who love and know the TRUTH, this is the end of them watching the series - THE CHOSEN! "Do Not Go and See it!
Marshall Frasier = Nervous!!! About to see the chosen…does the main character die? Does any of the supporting staff get killed off to make room for a new character??! DON'T GO AND SEE IT. it has some blatant false teaching in it. Very sad.

Doc Yeager: Last year when I began to watch the series THE CHOSEN, there were some really good and heart-moving parts, but as it continued, it was obvious that there was a lot of human reason. They took way too much liberty by forsaking the Biblical accounts by adding and taking away from the Truth! This is what happens when you do not know and love the TRUTH! SO SAD!

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