Living in the Balance of Grace and Faith 5

1 year ago

Many looked for a red Republican wave in the November 2022 elections. Many were disappointed.

...but the Red Wave of the Blood of Jesus has already hit the shores of the USA. It will change the hearts of men and shake institutions to the core. It will shake political strongholds to the core and even destroy there foundations.

This is not a revival. This is an awakening. We are in the earliest part of it now. But it IS here NOW. Out of our bellies are flowing rivers of living water. John 7:37-39.

It won't come without prayer - 1 Timothy 2:1-4
It won't come without preaching - Romans 1:16
It won't be life as usual.
It won't be church as usual, but it won't replace church.
It won't be business as usual.
It won't be school as usual.
It won't be college as usual.
It won't be pretty.
It will be IS glorious.
Many will demonize and discredit it. It still won't stop it.
Many will jump on the bandwagon to profit from it - it won't stop it.
There will be excesses that will mock it. It won't stop it.
There will be authorities who will try to arrest it. It won't stop it.
This is not an event sponsored by men who will try to leverage it for fame and notoreity. It won't stop it.
This is a Red tsunami - the Blood ofJesus cleansing men's hearts, restoring men's families.
This is the Spirit of God recreating men in the deepest part of their being.
This is men being snatched out of darkness and being born into the kingdom of light.
This is religiosity exposed...even Christian religiosity.
This is children being healed of abuse in a moment of time.
This is father's hearts turning back to their children and wives.
This is mothers turning back to their families and casting their careers aside, and raising their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
This is marriages healed from the ravages of pornography. A real cleansing of the heart by the gracious Spirit of God.
This is mammon defeated and the kingdom exalted.
This is supernatural provision.
This is supernatural protection.
This is the industries of darkness being cast to the side and destroyed.
This is pastors and ministers being delivered from their brokenness and pain.
This is a major interruption to systems, businesses, schools, churches, and families.
This is Jesus.
This is Psalm 2.
This is great joy in the house of the righteous and grinding of teeth in the mouths of the oppressors.
This is the awakening.
This is Kiss the Son as He kisses you with His gracious love.
Maranatha. Even so Lord Jesus, come!

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