What’s the big deal if my cat wants to do drugs?

2 years ago

What’s the big deal if my cat wants to do drugs?
Some people might say, “Who cares if my cat wants to use catnip. It’s their body, their life, if they want to do drugs, there’s no clawsfor alarm. After all, who’s it harming?” America, that’s who! Catnip doesn’t just appear out of nowhere. It is grown, and overwhelmingly, the highly refined strains of catnip available today are grown in places like Afghanistan, where proceeds from the sale of the illicit drug are used to purchase weapons intended for terrorist strikes against America and to buy white children for their harems. The catnip is then shipped to Mexico, where ruthless drug cartels—who essentially rule entire sections of the country through campaigns of violence and fear—smuggle it across our borders and into our homes. Every time a cat uses catnip, we march a little closer to the next 9/11. Does that sound harmless to you?
How young is too young to talk to my kitten about catnip?
Never assume your kitten is too young to learn about the dangers of catnip. Every day that your cat goes uneducated about the horrors of drug addiction, you are taking a horrible risk. Heaven is packed with poor little kittens whose owners gambled with their lives and lost…their lives!
How can I tell if my cat has been using drugs?

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