The moment LATAM airlines plane crashes with truck attempted to cross the runway

2 years ago

Two aeronautical firefighters traveling in the truck died when they attempted to cross the runway, according to Luis Ponce La Jara, general commander of the fire department.

The Latam Airlines plane collided with the truck just before 15:30 (20:30 GMT) on Friday at Jorge Chávez International Airport in the capital, Lima.

It remains unclear why the fire truck entered the runway while the plane was taking off, bound for the southern Peruvian city of Juliaca.

Peru’s health ministry said at 7 p.m. (0000 GMT) that 20 passengers were being treated in a clinic, and at least two were in serious condition. The airline said no passengers or crew members were killed
*Un avión de la aerolínea Latam sufrió un accidente este viernes en la pista de aterrizaje del Aeropuerto Internacional Jorge Chávez.*
La aeronave que despegaba para dirigirse a Juliaca, en Puno, tuvo que aterrizar de emergencia e impactó contra un camión de bomberos que cruzaba la pista. Los dos tripulantes del vehículo fallecieron.

Latam también precisó que el vuelo LA2213 que cubría la ruta Lima - Juliaca, operado por Latam Airlines Perú, sufrió un accidente en tierra al colisionar con un vehículo de bomberos en su carrera.
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A Latam plane catches fire at the time of takeoff at the Lima airport, 2 firefighters killed:

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