9/3/2021 Three Tornadoes will hit the Atlanta area in Georgia (at once)

2 years ago

9/3/2021 Timothy Dixon Prophecy (10)
I saw the whirlwind. It landed at the Capitol building Phoeniz Arizona. There was a group of people in a circle. They said “Samson ain’t coming we have put his eyes out”. Black SUV’s showed up outside … and a silver headed man got out of the SUV. He led a little boy out. Inside they said “we thought you had put his eyes out”. They started arresting the people in Arizona.
This whirlwind then hit Atlanta Georgia. It landed North Georgia…Williamsen Heights subdivision (Marchville Georgia)… something to do with the fraud in Arizona.
There will be three natural whirlwinds (tornados) land in the Atlanta area…. Snowy Mountain area, Marchville, Monroe…..
On the coast of California there will be a swarm of flies into certain areas. They will hit Washington DC (and swarm there).
There is three of you in Georgia will harden your heart. But when the tornadoes land and God spares the people…. you will know. You better stop lying.
March 21st will be the end of the 30 days (“doh”) - false interpretation

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