2 years ago

What the ignorant masses of serfs-peons-plebes-proles, the common rabble, the ever diminishing middle class, even the upper class of millionaires (who are a joke to the billionaire class (corporate CEOS, sports team owners, high level politicians-oligarchs, let alone the TRILLIONAIRE class ie the upper echelon ruling class central bankers-Rothschild-Rockefellers) what the masses fail to understand is that they are being lied to on a scale that they cannot even comprehend by the puppet politicians of this ruling class, and by the mainstream media WHICH IS OWNED by the corporations OWNED by the ruling class. Peons will say to me, "if that was true i'd have seen it on the news", well peons, If I had raped and killed your mother, had no conscience or empathy towards fellow human beings or animals, and I possessed an impenetrable network of wealth, oversaw-controlled-owned the media-news, had influence over all political-military matters in nearly every nation on earth then I could manipulate the truth in any which way I desired, I could frame others for the murder, and/or pick a "lone-nut" scapegoat, and in turn have this scapegoat "commit-suicide" or be killed by another person if desired (and fabricate the false-motive for the killing) and have fools believe the entire matter was exactly as described on the nightly news, case closed, wikipedia article and snopes post (snopes-EPIC liars) completed. Once one realizes the kind of devils who run the world, their media apparatus, and their defacement of history that we are taught from childhood on, they can NEVER be trusted again, AND AT BEST are to be viewed with EXTREME skepticism. Once you BREAK FREE from their lifetime of conditioning you have become "DIVORCED FROM THEIR LIES", the subject of the latest song by grunge alt-rock-metal masters "Pound-Carbon"

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