Saved from the New Age: How to know if you are involved in any of the Practices (See List Below) ❤️

2 years ago

The Following is from Doreen Virtue, who found the true Jesus Christ. She is a former new ager, and was a very famous Medium (See List Below⬇️ of Specific New Age Practices and Ideas) From Doreen: Doing these practices doesn’t make you a “bad person,” and we are not judging or hating on you. Rather, we are warning you because we also fell into these deceptive practices which are a demonic trap. We are not hating on anyone, nor judging you. God loves you, and he wants the best for you, and so do we! He wants you to go directly to him in prayer, worship, and Bible study so that he can guide your path in a safe, fulfilling way for this life and eternity.

Some people try to blend Christianity with new age, which doesn’t work. Jesus said that we can’t serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). Besides, Christianity and new age are opposites because one gives all glory to God, and the other gives all glory to yourself. Since God’s first commandment is to have no other gods before him, we break this commandment when we put ourselves on the throne of our own heart.

We also break this commandment when we twist our ideas of God, to conform our fears and wants. God is not the new age definitions of “universe,” “source energy,” “Christ consciousness,” or “energy.” He’s God, the Creator of you and everything in this universe. He is holy, merciful, loving, and just – which means that he must punish sin. That’s why he sent his Son Jesus as our substitute for punishment, so that all who believe in him can be saved (John 3:16).

And that means believing in the real true Jesus of the Bible, not in the make-believe new age version of Jesus. You can get to know the real Jesus by studying his words in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the Bible. Get yourself a more modern translation when you’re first reading the Bible, like NKJV, NIV, or NLT. As you grow more accustomed to reading the Bible daily, you can switch to ESV or KJV if Holy Spirit guides you to do so.

If you’ve been engaged in new age practices, please immediately go to God in prayer, get on your knees and ask for his help so that you can stop New Age practices. Repent by apologizing, and make the commitment to turn to God from now on. God will forgive and deliver you.

Then, walk around your home while asking the Holy Spirit which items to dispose of. Remember that if the item is bad for you, it will be bad for someone else. Just like in Acts 19:19, it’s best to destroy anything that’s a gateway for demons.

After all, the demons will argue, the new age is all about love, light, and peace. So, please ask yourself: Am I really at peace? Or am I continually seeking peace? The new age is an endless journey of seeking peace and love and never finding it, with hell as the final destination. Don’t believe in hell because of new age teachings? Jesus taught about hell more than any other person in the Bible, and hopefully you believe Jesus.

Please get off the new age path, and ask Jesus to be your Savior! He will guide you to his straight and narrow path, give you true and lasting peace, and bring you to heaven. We are praying for you, and for all new agers to come to Christ.

Remember to ask for God‘s help through the process of leaving the New Age.

Ask the Lord into your heart and ask Him to be your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit will bring things to mind that you must renounce and/or get rid of!! There is so much freedom after following these steps.

List of New Age Practices/Ideas from Doreen Virtue:

1) Angel Cards
2) Astrology
3) Ascended Masters
4) Channeling
5) Christ Consciousness
6) Crystals
7) Divination
8) Dream Catchers
9) Energy Healing
10) Fairies
11) Feng Shui
12) Horoscopes
13) Hypnosis
14) Mandalas
15) Meditation that is not Biblical
16) Mediumship
17) Oracle Cards
18) Ouiji Board
19) Paganism
20) Pantheism
21) Pendulums
22) Psychic Readings
23) Sage
24) Shamanism
25) Sorcery
26) Spirit Guides
27) Tarot Cards
28) Yoga
29) Church of Scientology

The List below is from, "The Steps to Freedom in Christ," by Neil Anderson:
30) Out of body
31) Magic Eight Ball
32) Spells
33) Automatic Writing
34) Spirit Guides
35) Readings/Divination
36) Tarot Cards
37) Hypnosis
38) New Age books/seminars
39) Christian Science
40) Transcendental Meditation
41) Buddhism
42) Hinduism
43) Islam

List movies, TV Shows, music, books, magazines or comics that the Lord is bringing to your mind.


In the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command Satan and all evil spirits to release me in order that I can be free to know and to choose to do the will of God. As a child of God who is seated with Christ in the heavenlies, I command every evil spirit to leave my presence. I belong to God and the evil one cannot touch me.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I ask You to bring to my mind anything and everything that I have done knowingly or unknowingly that involves occult, cult or non-Christian teachings or practices. I want to experience Your Freedom by renouncing all counterfeit teachings and practices. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Then, take a look at the list..

Dear Lord, I confess that I have participated in these wrongful practices. I know they were evil and offensive in Your Sight. Thank you for Your Forgiveness. I renounce any and all involvement in these wrongful practices, and I choose to believe that Satan no longer has any rightful place in my life because of those involvements. In Jesus' name, Amen!!

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