VIDEO - The heretical blindness of the enemies of the true Roman Catholic Church...

2 years ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Ferial Day...18 November 2022 AD...

The heretical blindness of the enemies of the true Roman Catholic Church...the examples of the manifestly heretical and canonical blindness of the servants of Satan, the notorious and IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics, and how their inability to protect the souls of the people who visit their (profaned and fully desecrated) “places of worship” - in this video publication of the true Holy Apostolic See, the rightful Sovereign Pontiff His Holiness Pope Jacobus I explains in this video publication how the Holy Ghost is not helping these heretics, truly manifestly visible enemies of God and thus enemies of His true Catholic Church, so they are incapable to fulfill the primary mission of the Catholic Church - the salvation of souls...these are the blind that lead the blind into the pit and thus into the mire of sin and abomination in front of God...these devil's servants cannot do otherwise in their evil fruits, as the evil tree cannot bear good fruits...and God will not help these heretics to do otherwise so that they are visible for who they are in front of Him ! Stay away as far as possible !


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