You are either with me or against me!

1 year ago

You are either with me or against me (A divided kingdom, Mark 3:23-27, Matthew 12:24-30)
You want to know why most people do not like politicians? It is because they like to straddle the fence and try to play both sides of every issue, they want everyone to feel like they are on their side, so they get everyone’s vote. You see in the photo attached to this blog the WV Senator playing to both sides of the abortion issue because if you go all the way in one direction you immediately eliminate a bunch of votes election time. Politicians are expert chameleons as they simply try to blend in with the crowd around them so they will be accepted, this may work for them, but it never works in the spiritual realm. To be a friend of God you are immediately and enemy of world and vice versa, there is no middle ground and no mingling of good and evil. Jesus wanted to make this clear when religious leaders accused Him of using the power of satan to cast out demons, Jesus straight out told them that a divided house cannot stand. If you are not with me then you are against me (Matthew 12:30).
The thing that we must realize as the church is that God is not looking for a church full of spiritual politicians trying their best to straddle the fence before the world and His Kingdom. He is looking for a church that is all in on His side and has nothing to do with this world. We know where the line is between right and wrong, and we need to head as far away from that line as possible instead of seeing how close we can get to it without crossing. When speaking to the church of Laodicea in Revelation chapter 3, Jesus tells them that he cannot stand the fact that they are lukewarm so much so that it makes him what to spit them out of the mouth. The words used here literally means that it makes Him want to vomit, it makes Him sick that they think it is fine to live their live straddling two kingdoms. He says that He will not put up with this and He is ready to remove them from the church for this behavior. The sad thing is that the church of Laodicea was like the modern church and thought they was just going with the flow and living their best life when really, they were exiling themselves from the only hope any of us have of escaping the judgment to come.

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