Fake Pope. Fake Church. Real Apostasy.

1 year ago

See all of the following:

The Church of Christ: An Apologetic and Dogmatic Treatise
What You Need To Know About the Man who Claims to be the Pope
Work of Human Hands : A Theological Critique of the Mass of Paul VI
RESOURCE: Liturgical Change Chart

Francis isn’t an actual pope because he isn’t an actual Catholic. It has nothing to do with any electoral irregularities. Only actual Catholics can be elected actual popes. Whether there were any electoral irregularities or not, Francis cannot possibly be an actual pope, because he wasn’t an actual Catholic long before his supposed election. One cannot be the head of a body of which one is not a member.

It takes no legal authority whatsoever to recognize this objective reality, just as one need not be a coroner to recognize a dead body.

Nor is Francis just a “bad father,” because bad spiritual fathers must first be actual spiritual fathers.

We’re divinely assured that the actual Catholic Church cannot defect from the Faith, that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. But hell has manifestly prevailed against the entity now led by Francis, the Novus Ordo Antichurch founded during Vatican II. Therefore, this entity cannot possibly be the actual Catholic Church.

Antipope Francis is the diabolical ape of John the Baptist. He’s the forerunner of the Antichrist. It’s no accident that he’s renounced the title of Vicar of Christ; this is because he’s actually the Vicar of Satan.

As for Benedict, he too is fully on board with Vatican II. He’d just lead us into the abyss at 100 mph rather than 1,000 mph. Thus he too is, and always was, a total fraud.

It’s time to get real; really real.

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