Osprey Grounds Bald Eagle ~ Osprey No Fly Zone

1 year ago

While camped in the Rockies this summer I noticed a beautiful Osprey kept flying overhead carrying brush and branches it collected to its nesting area somewhere in the mountains.

The Osprey had been busy with this chore all morning and afternoon. It was enjoyable and interesting to watch the Osprey pass by.

At about 3pm I saw the Osprey passing with another load and saw another large bird above the Osprey but at a distance.

Suddenly the other bird dives on the Osprey accelerating towards it at incredible speed until it passed just behind the Osprey then banked to come around behind it again.

At this point I could see that the other bird was a large but young Bald Eagle and he thought the Osprey would back down, as did I. But to his surprise the Osprey dropped its payload banked tighter and faster then the Eagle and then started teaching the Eagle not to mess with Osprey!

The Osprey dove on the Eagle repeatedly forcing it to land on a fence post, which is the point this video begins, and then kept diving on it over and over getting closer and closer. The Eagle was forced to the ground and the Osprey still kept diving on him. The Eagles perplexed shutdown completely!

Eventually the Osprey flys off but the Eagle stayed on the ground at least 20 minutes after the Osprey left looking in every direction before it slowly took off and contoured the ground staying low altitude as it went.

An amazing sight to see! Gods gifts!

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