Our Special History With Israel

2 years ago

He was a humanitarian, educator, and leader. Heads of state around the world called him an unofficial ambassador for world peace. His name was Herbert W. Armstrong. Learn about his special history with the tiny nation of Israel—and how his legacy continues today—next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.


Herbert W. Armstrong was the most prominent religious leader of the 20th century. He had no political party nor royal office. He possessed no personal fortune, nor was he backed by any state or corporate interest. Yet he met personally with dozens of heads of state. Flying across the globe in his plane like a shuttle diplomat, this private citizen met with the leaders of America, Britain, Belgium, China, Ethiopia, Japan, Jordan, Spain, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, South Africa, Kenya, and Chile—plus ambassadors from dozens more countries. Many of these leaders held banquets in honor of Herbert W. Armstrong.

How was all this possible? Why would the kings and prime ministers of the world invite Mr. Armstrong to speak before them? And why, of all the places he visited, did Jerusalem hold a special place in his heart?

Request our free booklet A Warm Friend of Israel for the inside story of Herbert W. Armstrong’s iron-bridge partnership with the Jewish state. In one four-year span, he visited Israel 50 times. He supported biblical archaeology in and around the Holy City. He spoke privately with dozens of Israeli presidents and prime ministers about the hope-filled, eternal future of Jerusalem. And these leaders were so inspired by what Mr. Armstrong told them that they delivered his message of peace to the entire nation!

Though Herbert W. Armstrong died in 1986, his warm friendship with Israel lives on. This remarkable history teaches valuable lessons to everyone, regardless of personal religious beliefs. The stunning relationship between Mr. Armstrong and Israeli leaders points the way to everlasting peace for all mankind! Request A Warm Friend of Israel today.

You will also receive a free subscription to our bi-monthly biblical archaeology magazine Let the Stones Speak. Join our eager and expanding audience of Bible students, history lovers, and archaeology enthusiasts. We believe that the dirt and dust of Israel are hiding some of the most sensational artifacts imaginable—discoveries that emphatically prove your Bible true beyond any doubt. All we have to do is listen closely as the stones speak.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request A Warm Friend of Israel and a free subscription to Let the Stones Speak. Order now

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