2 years ago

Kim Russell interviews Marco Missinato

La Via dell'Anima

This is part 3 of an 8 part series called EXITING THE INVERTED MATRIX.

Marco talks about the heart being where the soul is, so when we say "we open our heart" we are really saying "let's connect with our soul." We are soul, Marco says, and that in the original blueprint, the soul should be in the driver seat that navigates through the experience, but for the last 10,000 years, Ego has attempted to distract us from being in our heart. He says that the Ego is the storyteller that is based on contraction and low frequency, fear, separation, sense of lack, and need of control, and in order to experience joy etc through the Ego, it also needs to experience its opposite, which is anguish. When the soul navigates it does not need to swing from opposites, as pure emotions don't come from Ego.

In the new cycle of reality, we need to allow our soul, or our true essence, to come forward, and how we need to let the shadows surface, appreciate the experiences they gave us, and let them go through love. Marco says as long we keep judging the light as good and the dark as bad, we keep validating the game, or the battle, which will never end. We need to appreciate and love all so that we can pass through the duality game and go to the new reality.

At this time, we have the evolutionary opportunity to go back to full function-ability, and for those who accept the opportunity, they will be re-activating their avatar and their DNA. Marco explains that we will no longer need the Ego, and that to be able to sync with our original blueprints, we will need to remember who we really so that we can advance our souls to these higher levels of consciousness.

Marco also shares his truly heartfelt story of how he came to this reality with a certain level of remembering in order to be of service to humanity at this time, but that he too needed to participate in all of his experiences in order to emphasize with the experiences of others. Marco reminds us not to allow our emotionally charges to define us or to drive us, and how important it is to allow others to be free without reacting or being judgmental, or getting lost into the Ego. He says that original love is the celebration of free will, and is not based on conditions or fears, but should serve to amplify our freedom.

Stay tuned for part 4.

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