November 18, 2022

2 years ago

This video is an independent review of the true crime documentary series by @PCM: Predator Catchers Muncie @PC Incorporated Mr Miles(META) and the struggles of victims, predator catchers, decoys, chomos and how social media protects the offenders. These comments are mine and mine alone and are strictly for educational purposes for the study of PTSD and coping skills in a veteran mind.

#chomo #protectthekids #saveourkids #pickasideyoutube #predator #underage #fakeaccount #snapchat #liar #interview #docuseries #documentary #lessonslearned #internet #minors #texas #dollargeneral #instagram #police #mocospace #kik #flirty #chomo #arrest #telegram #registeredsexoffender #registered #ontheregistry #icac #northcarolina #raleigh #wadecounty #impregnant #telegram #discord #tcap #ohio #cincinnati #canada #mexico #philippines #tagalog #imvu #googlehangout #waynebarnett #boxboy #hambsun #richardjones #sheriffrichardjones #wayne59 #skype #youpickedthewrongside #awnseruspedotube #iowa #sunbury #chicago #frozen3 #elsagate #subliminal #anxietywar

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