Ukraine Nazi & Fascist Execute 11 Russian POWs - Cold Blood

2 years ago

Absolute evil. (18+)
Impressive videos do not watch.
Earlier, the network has already published the second video, which was filmed from a quadrocopter. Even then it was clear that our military (no matter the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or the LDNR) were executed. In the literal sense of the word. The Ukrainian public in the comments in every possible way denied this and tried to “pull an owl on the globe”, saying that everything was wrong, everyone died in battle. Now what do you say, motherfuckers? Doesn't it remind you of anything? Looks like videos from Syria from banned? To me, there are no differences.
The request to the competent services and concerned citizens who have the technical capabilities to identify VFU students and to which unit they belong. With regard to this unit, the VFU considers it necessary to issue a separate order on the non-distribution of international legislation to them regarding the status of prisoners of war.

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