Bright Slow Moving Light Passes Over Eyewitness in Gainsville Georgia

2 years ago

This slow moving object comes up from behind the trees and passes overhead while this person films the night sky using what appears to be a Sionyx digital night vision camera.

The slow moving object, is moving at the speed most satellites pass at. The only difference is that this object seems much lower, as it comes up very large and bright on the camera. That's not to say, that some satellites don't actually come up this bright. There are a few that I've observed that do, but it's not often and most satellites are travelling much higher up.

Government satellites aren't tracked for obvious reasons on public trackers, so this could be something government related.

When I checked out the satellite passes and the ISS passes at the time provided which was 7:30PM, it didn't show more then a few satellites passing in and around the area - however, the two passes it shows, doesn't seem to fit the bill. I also checked the ISS tracker, which advised that the ISS was passing over head around 6:50PM that evening.

Gainesville , GA, US
7:30AM however believe it was PM due to night time video

Eyewitness Statement:
As I was recording video in the direction of SW, I first observed one object for a few seconds then all the sudden I observed a closer object that was very bright and glowing in a oval shape heading from southwest to a northeastern direction. As I continued to record the object stayed in a straight direction and I finally observed the object just fade out and disappear.

Source link:

ISS tracker:

Sat Tracker:

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