How often should I be studying investing?

2 years ago

Good question.

Anything that is worth doing should be done on a daily basis if you have a desire to develop good skill with it. If you treat your investing as a hobby you will get hobby type results.

To become a good investor takes a lot of knowledge about different techniques. There are some specialists that only invest in one thing and master that particular area. However, those specialists always leave themselves at some degree of risk if they have to think outside of that area of expertise.

A good investor should work and study investing 7 days per week. If you do less than this you can still have some success but your success will become orders of magnitude better if you put in the time learning to invest and networking with other successful investors.

If you want to meet more successful investors that are motivated to achieve the best results, we have a meeting each Sunday. Just go to and then look for the meetup link.

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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