Ammach Project Archives TONY TOPPING - interview series November 2011 48 25' 17 10 22

2 years ago

In re-editing these videos, I also learn again, about these fascinating experiences, and the context of them. Essentially, I am tidying up the audio - editing for a better flow and comprehension of what is being conveyed, which is a huge job, an arduous undertaking.

In this 48.25' honed interview, Tony Topping, who made the journey from Yorkshire for the interview in November 2011, shares some remarkable experiences, some of which fall into the category of T.I. or Targeted Individual. This group of people, for some reason become targets of certain factions and included in the harassment that is part of whatever mandate is given regarding them, is stalking, gang stalking, microwave assault, V2K - Voice to Skull audio, and many other levels of interference, sometimes even leading to a victim's death. Not the case for Tony, but these factions who have been targeting him, seem to want him to keep quiet about his experiences, and not least, he believes, due to the fact that he has uploaded various images and footage of anomalous aerial objects often above his home or nearby.

Tony's experiences began at 2 yo with a being coming through the wall, and through intense personal and other difficulties, Tony has researched and sought meaning for his ongoing experiences. He might ascribe some of his own abilities to his father's genes, of being as he says 'potently psychic,' his father could punish his son with a severe headache if he was naughty, and was also quite the healer. Tony's interest in the occult, in his quest for knowledge, he found led him to no good place, which he left behind in his early 20s.

He shares some fascinating insights and concepts about how the human race is being interacted with, and by whom. Another trip down the proverbial rabbit hole!

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