Overwhelm and Mindset Part 2, How does selfcare apply?

2 years ago

#Overwhelmed, # too much to do, #mindset matters, #ShayoliHope

Hi and welcome back for Overwhelm and Mindset Part 2

If you watched Part 1 then you know I gave you an assignment to be aware of your mindset. Whenever you were sitting inline or waiting in a line. Ask yourself where my mindset is right now? What am I thinking about, I would love to hear in the comments how that went.

Mine was about half and half some good and some neg. But it gave me a chance to at least change it. If you aren’t sure what I'm talking about then be sure to watch. Part 1

We just continue to change it as it comes up negative.

What if life really is hard? Seems so overwhelming!!

Death (s)
Taking care of aged parents
Crises in your on family
Surgeries/other health issues
Work issues or all compounded

Get away and evaluate your overwhelming situation. This is where Selfcare comes in.

It's time to take care of you

Can you rearrange, prioritize or let anything go? (that will change your mindset)
Are there people in your life you need to let go of? (that are causing you neg. mindset)
Are you participating in something that is causing an overwhelming or negative mindset?
If no then it could be harder.

Then it might take more work (tips)

Get a piece of paper and writing apparatus

I like to take a few min to write down 5 questions that are positive to you.

Few examples.
What can I do for someone else to make them happy?
What can I do that makes me happy right now?
What song can I play or sing that will bring happiness and joy?
Who can I call that has a positive mind and will help me see things differently?

Ask these questions 3 times a day for 30 days and do whatever the answers are.

3 words that describe you as your higher self. Things you like about you.

Funny, kind, persistent

Set an alarm. 3 times a day. When it goes off, have them set to show up on the alarm and then you can ask yourself. Wait….this isn’t me. I'm funny and happy.


Get Divine help
I ask for Jesus’s support
Angels to be around me.

One of my questions I ask myself is what am I incredibly grateful for right now.

These have really helped me alot lately.
I hope they can help you!

With all the hustle and bustle of the Holidays coming I hope all the tips will be helpful to prioritize and have a great mindset. To be able to enjoy life and not be negative and overwhelmed.

If we want to change life to a calmer, peaceful state then we need to practice a more positive mindset.

It will lift our energetic vibrations, mood, and attitude to a higher state. We will be able to manage the things in our life better.


0:00 Welcome and introduction
1:26 Assignment in Part 1
2:53 What if Life Is Hard
5:00 Evaluate Your Overwhelm
9:14 Thank You and ending

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