Ammach Project Archives LLOYD PYE STARCHILD SKULL, September 2012 + ANDREW JOHNSON SEGMENT 18 10

2 years ago

In re-editing these videos, I also learn again, about these fascinating experiences, and the context of them. Essentially, I am tidying up the audio - editing for a better flow and comprehension of what is being conveyed, which is a huge job, an arduous undertaking.

In Memoriam Lloyd Pye 7/9/46 -9/12/13 The Starchild Project was and for me still is an incredible 'smoking gun' and I still hold with the information here presented, a tidying up of the original interview, with an addendum with Andrew Johnson who knew Lloyd quite well, and supported him with his work and technical support, they were friends. I knew Lloyd though not as well, and found him to be a friendly, down to earth person, with a passion for the science behind the evolutionary path of humanity. He wrote articles, presented lectures and was generous with his time and insights. He went to the wall for this project, and was nearly bankrupted by it, until an angel in the form of Belinda McKenzie from London, where the interview was filmed, stepped in, enabling Lloyd to procure more in depth and better work, which started off in 1999.

I invited Andrew who is a speaker, researcher, author and educator to speak to a post Lloyd legacy update, as far as is possible, and I think that helped this man's great work from this interview perspective round up the scenario that is the current status quo. I believe the starchild skull now resides in the El Paso Museum of Archeology in Texas, donated by Melanie Young, the owner of the skull, and who ultimately sided with another set of DNA work, stating that the starchild was no more than a hydranencephaly case - which Lloyd refutes evidentially well.

You will make up your own mind as to why the skull was demoted and left to gather dust in a museum, where there will be no further testing on this real smoking gun of ufology....

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