Polygon's multi-sig attack vector. What's going on?

3 years ago

Polygon, formerly known as Matic, has had quite a year. A peak of $7.5bn in TVL which, despite the recent drops is still sitting at $6.87bn and the Matic token itself has posted possibly the fastest recovery of any token in the top 50 thanks in no small part to the announcement that Mark Cuban is now an investor. There are many Layer2 solutions but right now, Polygon is the one that’s getting all the attention but not all of it positive.

Polygon official site: https://polygon.technology/
Matic Documentation on Multi-sigs: https://docs.matic.network/docs/faq/commit-chain-multisigs/
Chris Blec on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisBlec
Chris' first letter: https://defiwatch.net/inquiry-into-polygon-multisig/
Chris follow up letter: https://defiwatch.net/second-letter-to-polygon/
Matic Staking dashboard: https://wallet.matic.network/staking/
Mark Cuban news on the Defiant: https://thedefiant.io/mark-cuban-sends-polygon-soaring-as-glitch-pings-matic/

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