
1 year ago

Seahorse777 -> Little bunyip Jötunn
All names have meaning. For example your name “seahorse” & “777” means you are a try-hard, wannabe and either you chose this name with limited understanding of the meanings or your dark passenger knows more than you understand. You anonymous fake little city bunyip trolls best stay in the city. You gave up the waterways in the bush long ago.
Ngindu yunna wuggurwiladhi gurri gurri wundah nuru.
You try-hards with your names like “wayseer” - “2020” pathfinder of spiritual knowledge or prophecy, one to whom “divine revelations” are made through other retard’s Masonic & Gnostic YouTube videos, the likes of occult Kundalini Chakra demonic anal sex magic of feeding the Phoenix (the Phoenix being a well known symbol of Luciferianism) as “the best breakdown for being divine”, how fucked up are you anonymous little bunyips? It’s no mystery where you anons come from.

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