This "creepypasta" is more real than you think...

2 years ago

The Rake is a story that has been making the rounds on the internet for years. A chilling story that has everyone talking, this creepypasta is one of the most popular ones on the internet, and for good reason.

In this video, we'll explore the story of The Rake, its similarities to the infamous skinwalker, and exploring some real-world alleged Rake encounters. This #creepypasta is a classic, and it's time we talked about it here, on Dark Frontier.

Dark Frontier - dare to watch.

This Halloween season, we answer the question: is the #skinwalker real? And if so, is the rake real? The skinwalker is real if you ask the Native Americans. In this video, we're going to discuss the Skinwalker, a creepy creature that is said to haunt rural areas in the US.

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creepypasta swamp dweller creepsmcpasta creepy pasta. True scary stories sam & colby true stories scary

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