Megan Kelso, October 18th, 2022

2 years ago

The 342nd meeting of the NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium held on Tuesday, October 18th, 2022 at 7pm EST. ONLINE PRESENTATION VIA ZOOM. For more info:

Megan Kelso discusses her new book from Fantagraphics, Who Will Makes The Pancakes?

Following a brief stint at art school, Megan Kelso completed her B.A. at The Evergreen State College in 1991 where she studied history and political science. Inspired by the explosion of zines, bands, and DIY art projects in Olympia, she started her “Girlhero” mini comic which ran for six issues. She was the first woman to receive the Xeric Foundation self publishing grant. In 1998, comics from “Girlhero” were compiled into a book published by Highwater, titled “Queen of the Black Black.” Kelso received two Ignatz awards for her graphic novel “Artichoke Tales.” In 2007, she was invited by The New York Times Magazine to serialize her “Watergate Sue” comic as part of a weekly Funny Pages feature. In 2019 she was selected for a public art commission as part of the Climate Pledge Arena renovation in Seattle Center. The piece, “Crow Commute,” was installed in December 2021. Kelso’s third collection of short stories, “Who Will Make the Pancakes” will debut from Fantagraphics in November 2022. Kelso currently lives in Seattle.

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