Distro Monday 34: Fedora 37, CentOS 8.7, and Unity DE for Arch, Oh My!

2 years ago

DM 34.1 – Fedora 37, Better Late Than Never?
Let’s see... What have Red Hat and the community developers added in this time?
Linux 6.0 Kernel
Mesa 22.2 Graphics stack
Pipewire 0.3.60 A/V back end
Official Raspberry Pi Support

So, good stuff all around, they have also either updated to or have available all of the latest other desktops as spins, from KDE, to Xfce, to Mate and Cinnamon, to LXQt and the rest.

#distromonday #fedora #Linux #newreleases #TechFreedom

Great reminder. The best is yet to come. We move from glory, to greater glory. C.S. Lewis knew this to be true. This is an echo of Paul, from the New Testament. Take heart. Have hope for the future, believe and work towards those things that you want to see. Remember the good and the bad from the past, so that you do not become captivated by nostalgia. Nostalgia colors everything with a rosier hue than it really had.
#distromonday #cslewis #glorytoglory #holdon #kccm #Bible #memesplanation #TechFreedom

DM 34.2 – RHEL 8.7 Released
What’s new for RHEL in this release (RHEL is Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the upstream for CentOS, RockyLinux, and Alma Linux)?
The ability to view and manage system-wide cryptographic policies
Ability to simply install kpatch updates when running through the web console
Ability to download the RHEL installation media when setting up a VM in the web console
Redfish Ansible
Identity Management
And more...
#distromonday #RHEL #Linux #enterprise #server #TechFreedom

Freedom Consultation

Ever wondered how to get free from Big Tech? This Free consultation will leave you with at least pointers to the tools and services you’ll need to do just that. This is a FREE 90 minute call with me, where I will demo some varieties of Linux for you, some replacement apps, talk about degoogled phones, and give you links to how to start the process of taking control of your digital life online as well.

#distromonday #TechFreedom #consultation #free

DM 34.3 – Unity Desktop on Arch?
It can be done, apparently. Not sure why you’d soil Arch that way, but that is just me. The suggestion is to start with a clean install of Arch, then use the tool that the Unity team created.
It is just like adding any other specific repo to an Arch based Linux distro...
Step 1: Type or copy the following into your terminal emulator
curl https://unity.ruds.io/repo.key | sudo pacman-key --add -
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 3FB6809130A5DB7F
Step 2: Edit your etc/pacman.conf file with the following lines:
SigLevel = Required DatabaseOptional
Server = https://unity.ruds.io/arch-unity
Step 3: Run the following to install the packages
sudo sh -c "pacman -Syyu; pacman -S unity-meta"
At the end of this, you should, have a working Unity Desktop Environment on your Arch install. Cool, if that is your jam.
#distromonday #unitydesktop #arch #btwiusearch #lol #options #TechFreedom

Tech Freedom Intro: What to expect from my channels and website.
#intro #TechFreedom #telegram #truthsocial #publicsq #gab

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