Public Speaking Tips: How To Practice Public Speaking By Yourself At Home: Tip #1

2 years ago

Public Speaking Tips: How To Practice Public Speaking By Yourself At Home: Tip #1

#PublicSpeakingTips #PublicSpeakingPractice #ShayoliHope

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Public Speaking Tips: How To Practice Public Speaking By Yourself At Home: Tip #1 is Start Collecting Stories From Your Daily Life with a Story File

One of the best things you can do to work on your public speaking skills at home by yourself is to start collecting stories from your daily life by starting a story file. I recommend you do this by creating a Google doc that you can access from anywhere on your phone - that way you will always have your file handy and don't need to find a notebook or remember which notebook you used for which story.

Each night before you go to bed, set aside a few minutes to think about things that happened during your day that you can add to your story file.

These stories don't need to be epic or life-changing, just take note of things that might be turned into a story.

When we don't write our stories down, we forget them. Every day there are things that happen to us that could be used in a speech or presentation later. Don't waste those valuable moments! Make sure you capture them so you can access them later when needed.


0:00 Welcome
1:30 Public Speaking Tip #1
2:00 Start a Story File
3:00 The Bath Bomb Story
4:40 How to Start a Story File
5:35 Recap

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