Dave Kranzler: Gold, silver could pull back following recent rally

2 years ago

#DaveKranzler: #Gold, #silver could pull back following recent rally

After a tough summer in the gold and silver markets, the #preciousmetals have rallied in recent weeks. With gold up $150 since early November, and silver up almost $4 since the middle of October.

Which has certainly come as welcome news to most precious metals investors, especially as inflation continues to soar, amidst some generally chaotic conditions in the financial markets.

Yet markets rarely go in a straight line, either up or down, and in today's video, analyst Dave Kranzler suggests that we could be in line for a pullback in gold and silver prices over the short term.

That's turned out to be the case so far on Thursday, where gold and silver prices are down, and in this video Dave shares what he's expecting in the short term, and also throughout the rest of the year.

So to find out more, click to watch this video now!


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