Beta sex kitten programming as a great derailment program

2 years ago

This is an extract from a teaching module on beta sex kitten programming designed to encourage memories about how beta sex kitten played a role in our lives. Many of our desires are programmed, how we experience reality. The degree of sexual programming is so very extensive.

A lot of our relationships are engineered ; including engineered sexual relationships. NPCs are also programmed to bring you in programming in these areas. MK Ultra programs also install a lot of inverted associations, such as pain equals pleasure and there is no pleasure without pain. This module is designed for you to gain more mastery over that programming in order to be making less choices based on it.

Module Four ~ beta sex kitten programming and beta sex kitten signatures

• Beta sex kitten programming as a great derailment program
• How to recognize beta sex kitten programming with the Energy ReMastered App
• Engineered romances, NPCs crossing boundaries & the dating concept
• Alters programmed extensively with beta sex kitten programming and responding to it
• Dormant sex kitten programming and active sex kitten programming
• Beta sex kitten triggers
• A folder of 158 photos studying different templates of beta sex kitten programming
• A study case of a past handler of mine, a corrupted fire creation being with very active sex kitten and love-bite programming plus the network she connected me with (different handlers and many distraction energies) ; 103 images associated with that handler and the different frequencies she associates with
• 71 screenshots of sex kitten programming that I gathered on my personal socia media
• Celebrities with active kitten programming
• in-depth case study of a male fire creation celebrity with very strong sex kitten programming and insights from the Energy ReMastered app
• 85 pictures studying 3 other fire creation celebrities (in the origin before what the industry did to them) used to trigger sex kitten programming for the reals through the entertainment industry and some of the engineering in their lives
• 2h35 of video content
• 20 minutes of additional video extracts analyzing active beta sex kitten programming
• the review of a total of 420 images, photos and screenshots
• A private Playlist on Youtube with 63 video clips with active sex kitten programming
• 2 sex kitten songs

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