KAM DocTalk OB/GYN Care

2 years ago

In this episode of Knoxville Medicine’s Doc Talk, host Rob Page, MD talks with Rosalind Cadigan, MD of OB/GYN Professionals concerning the many questions women have about gynecological and obstetric care but are afraid to ask. When should women begin seeing a gynecologist? Should you have your children vaccinated against HPV? If you are pregnant, at what point should you schedule your first prenatal visit? How many ultrasounds during pregnancy are routine and is a 3D or a 4D ultrasound necessary? Learn about the importance of OB/GYN care and why it’s imperative for you and your baby! If you need more information about OB/GYN Professionals or to make an appointment, visit the website at http://obgprofessionals.com/ or call (865) 531-3303. Knoxville Medicine’s Doc Talk has been brought to you by FirstBank. Helping People Build a Better Future, visit www.FirstBankOnline.com
#OBGYN , #HPV, #Knoxville, #KAM, #DocTalk,

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