Kidney failure in dogs.

2 years ago

Kidney failure in dogs.
When your dog's kidneys do not function properly and therefore do not filter or clean its blood properly, your pet is probably developing a condition called renal failure. This disease produces irreparable damage to the kidney tissue as it is replaced by scar tissue, and in this way the function of the kidney is limited.
To know the type of treatment and rules that your pet should follow to treat this disease, you should know that there are two different types of renal failure: Chronic renal failure: In this case, the kidney gets worse little by little losing the ability to perform its functions properly. This type is usually present in elderly dogs. Older dogs lose up to 75% of their kidney function, so they develop this pathology; but sometimes it can come from a tumor or an injury.
Acute renal failure: This type of failure appears overnight. The animal's kidney stops working, so it won't have a good filter, and it will also have problems to generate urine and expel it. In this case, your dog may suffer intoxication (uremia); this occurs when waste accumulates in the blood.
Sometimes it is difficult to know exactly what is the origin of renal failure in dogs, and depending on the type it is, the causes can be varied.
One of the main causes is age, as chronic renal failure is very common and usually happens in older dogs. The kidney gets progressively worse, and if your dog's diet is not adequate or the feed is not the right one, you will make your dog very likely to suffer from this disease.
It can also appear because of an injury or a disease such as a tumor.
However, in acute renal failure the causes are very varied: Leishmaniasis (a disease caused by the bite of a mosquito) affects your dog's kidneys, among other organs , buso of some medications such as anti-inflammatory or diuretics , Ingestion of some toxic product , The obstruction of the urethra , If your dog suffers from dehydration and A hemorrhage.
You will start to notice some symptoms or signs in your dog if his kidneys are not filtering properly and not purifying his blood.
Some of the most common symptoms are: Your dog will be more tired and will have a hard time moving , He will have ulcers or canker sores in his mouth , He will have no appetite and will eat a smaller amount of food , He will lose a lot of weight , He may develop anemia , He will have diarrhea and vomiting will be frequent , those are some of the symptoms.
According to the type of kidney failure your dog has, the treatment will be one or the other.
In acute renal failure, your dog should go to the veterinary clinic to be given intravenous saline solution to avoid dehydration. Furthermore, you will monitor his blood pressure.
However, if your dog's insufficiency is chronic, you should follow another type of treatment, but it is very important to diagnose it in time.
There are four things to follow: Your dog should be properly hydrated. It is important that the veterinarian decides if you should use serum in different ways, The accompaniment of the veterinarian is fundamental, especially if the dogs are older than 7 years. , Some medications are necessary to control and treat the symptoms or improve the quality of life of our dog with renal failure , It is very important that your dog is well fed with specific feeds and products to nourish their nutritional needs.
If your dog is in the early stages or states, it can live for years. However, if he is in the later stages and does not receive proper treatment, his life expectancy will be reduced considerably.
It is important that when you detect any of the symptoms of kidney failure in dogs, you seek the advice of your veterinarian immediately. Also, don't forget that your dog needs routine medical attention, especially if it is older.

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