3D Printer Mods and Repair

10 years ago

If you own or are thinking about owning a 3D printer, sooner or later you'll probably find yourself modding, upgrading, or repairing it. Knowing what upgrades are necessary and what parts break down can help you keep making awesome things. While I'm doing some repairs on my bot today let me share with you what upgrades I've done and why, and where you can find out what upgrades you may have to do.

This video is sponsored by Pinshape. Check out http://pinshape.com for free and premium 3D printable files.

0:45 Repairs and mods are a part of owing a 3D printer.
1:40 Where to find the upgrades you're going to need. (Google groups and forums.)
2:00 Tour of my upgrades: extruder assembly, bearing fans, Y-axis stabilization, cushion feet, flexable filament tubing, removable magnetic glass plate, metal cantilever arms, and improved resistor on the electronics.

For makerbot and makerbot machines the Makerbot Users Group is the #1 resource. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/makerbot-users
For all other printers the 3D Printer Tips, Tricks, and Reviews group is a great place to start. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/3dprintertipstricksreviews

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