Tips For Eating Healthy During the Holidays

2 years ago

Eating healthy during holiday gatherings (or in any social situation!) can be tricky! It's hard to sit at a table filled with food that doesn't align with your wellness journey, especially when everyone around you is eating plate after plate full! I get it. We all just want to fit in and avoid the awkwardness. 

Since I'm a self-proclaimed expert in this area, I put together 4 of my top tips for navigating these social situations. Plus, I'll share my favorite guide to healthy dishes that fit within the Thanksgiving theme. Here's an overview, but be sure to watch the full video for all the details!

1. Pay attention to portion size. An easy way to do this is to use small plates and bowls instead of larger ones. But if that's not an option, just be mindful of how much you are putting on your plate.

2. Make a delicious dish to pass. Make it super delicious and in line with how you want to eat. Then load up on that. (Don't tell the others, but it's really for YOU, not them!) BONUS - add tons of plants so you get filled up on fiber!

3. Keep sauces and dressings to a minimum. 

4. Enjoy the holiday! Don't overly stress about everything you eat. It's one day. It's not how you eat everyday and it's not worth stressing about. Make the best choices you can and get on with your life. Stressing will likely counteract most of what you're trying to do with your wellness journey!

When you're ready, check out this great guide from the folks over at Forks Over Knives for some delicious holiday dishes!

And join me on social media at @fullbloomacres for more healthy eating tips and tricks!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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