When should I hire an employee in my business?

2 years ago

Good question.

If you are the owner of a business your job is not to run the business on a day to day basis. You want to as quickly as possible place other people into various roles so your time is free.

The sooner you hire a good employee, the better. The problem most people have is they don’t hire a good employee and then they wish they had not hired them and end up losing time and money.

You want to take a reasonable amount of time evaluating employees on objective standards to make sure they not only are able to perform the job but also are someone you trust being involved with business.

It also is important to invest time training your employees. The more structured the training, the better. Even if you are starting out with just one employee and it is your first time doing this you should invest 30 minutes daily training your employee. The more you develop and train the employee the better your results will be as the years pass.

Don’t start employees out with too many tasks at once. Pick one or two things and have them focus on that. Then over time add more things to their plate.

With employees you will win as long as you can get them to create more value for you than they cost. But getting this to happen means you have to invest time training them. Employees will not magically know what to do unless you train them.

Weak training creates weak employees. Any sort of employee should be exposed to daily training. The training should never end and it should repeat the core processes and tasks so they become absolutely mastered.

I offer education and training to landlords, engineers, doctors and dentists, and many others that would like to learn how to enjoy the benefits of investing as quickly as possible. If that sounds interesting contact my office by going to www.benjaminzmiller.com and fill out the contact form.

You also can register at meetup.com at the link below:


I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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