2 years ago

The media pushed the ruling class depopulation and control system serf management serum bioweapon by saying it was "safe and effective" and that you "wouldn't get covid" if you took the shot. They also had ruling class overlords and their political pawns fake taking them on television to dupe the idiot masses of proles and plebes (think pro-wrestling-theatre) into believing the architects of control and depopulation over their slaves would EVER take such poison themselves when they without question in every possible way, from the food they eat, to their living arrangements, travel arrangements, their security detail, and immunity-consequences from the laws of society disassociate themselves from the masses. One shot became two shots ie "fully vaccinated", and then "fully vaxxed" was once again fully (fool ye) a lie as they rolled out their "boosters", soon even these weren't enough, the shots are meant to be taken every few months, weeks even until you expire, and then your death will be attributed to ANYTHING other than the true god's honest cause for it. Classic rock hopefuls S.A.D.S. Casualty make their debut and expose the true evil genocide machine for what it is.

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