Drink Along w#beerandgear 54 : Trader Joes Simpler Times Lager 4.25/5

2 years ago

So I hadn't been to Trader Joes before but while I was there I grabbed a 6 of their house beer because, well why not. An employee and I were talking about it and he said it was OK but nothing special. You know me I'm a WTF Why Not kinda guy so for $4 how ad could it be.
When I went back to post this vid I was researching on line and ran into a blog post about it. Sometimes I worry that I've lost my way on this journey and become a fully blown Snobbovian asshat because I can be a bit preachy at times. Couple that with my narcissistic tendencies and superiority complex and remember I'm trying not to be that guy anymore. That review was a smack to the chops for me. The reviewer was in fully snobbo mode commenting on funky house yeasts, various esters an over lack of any quality control and cheap is bad. Fair enough critiques for his palate and life style I guess, but I'm just a guy who drinks a lot of beer, has zero formal training and that the good Lord hasn't actually gone full Snobbo Asshat.
This channel is after all just a regular guy beer drinking and shit talking vanity project. Sometime we all need to be reminded that we're just here for the beer and to not take everything so seriously.
And now for the specs:
ABV 6.2, IBUs are sub 20 and the SRM is best guessed as 19
I liked it and didn't find it as plebian as the other taster but different strokes right?
Thanks for coming by and spending some time w me.
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Skal !
As always we have no connection to any of these companies. All opinions are our own.

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