Whole Food Vitamins vs Synthetics - Vitamin C vs Ascorbic Acid & More

2 years ago

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0:00 Introduction
0:12 Whole Food Vitamins: Ascorbic Acid Is Not Vitamin C
0:42 Vitamins
5:50 Potatoes
7:34 Linus Pauling and Ascorbic Acid
8:17 Vitamin C Foods
10:04 Farming
11:33 Foods & Supplements
12:53 Fortified
13:21 Megadosing
11:37 Thiamine
14:07 High Potency
14:55 Beta Carotene
19:21 Fake Vitamin B
19:39 Irradiation
20:07 History
21:05 Foods
22:18 Consultation & More Info

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