The Wellness Way is now on Rumble!

2 years ago

Philly is flying solo this time in order to bring some exciting news about new avenues through which you can listen, connect and spread the word about The Wellness Way, as well as gain access to a world of exciting new and exclusive content.


Mainstream channels are currently being too restrictive when it comes to the spread of information, especially when such crucial decisions about our health are being forced upon us by those who don’t have our best interests at heart.
There is so much information that we need to learn, but all doctors are constrained by censoring boards, who have their own agendas. We need to speak out, and find platforms that allow true free speech.
The mind is an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to healing ourselves. But our bodies can also react to negativity in impactful ways. Remember that our bodies are equipped with everything needed in order to heal.
By signing up at Rumble, you will receive a free gift- a manifestation meditation – “Walking Into Your Future”.


‘It’s hard for natural health practitioners to have a voice at the moment’

‘I want to share as much of my journey with as many of you as I possibly can’

‘There are many ways to heal yourself and you should be allowed to choose any that you want’

‘Everything in your body happens for you, not to you’


Philly on TikTok -

Philly on Instagram -

Philly on Rumble -


Guy is an inspirational, passionate, opinionated and admired figure in the world of organic farming, who still spends more time in the fields than in the boardroom. Twice awarded BBC Radio 4 Farmer of the Year, Guy is passionate about sharing with others the organic farming and business knowledge he has accumulated over the last three decades. His video rants have provided a powerful platform to do this, with a video on pesticides going viral on Facebook to reach 5.6 million views and 91,000 shares. His weekly veg box newsletters connect customers to the farm with refreshingly honest accounts of the trials and tribulations of producing organic food, and the occasional rant about farming, ethical and business issues he feels strongly about.

Guy has always believed that organic food should not be elitist, but accessible for everyone. He has built Riverford to give a fair deal to all – growers, staff, customers and the planet. All of this was recognised in 2015 when Riverford veg boxes were awarded Ethical Product of the Decade at the Observer Ethical Awards.


Philly J Lay is the author of The Natural Wellness Journal, EFT practitioner, and is also a long-standing advocate for our health and that of our planet. After a near death experience and years of grief, resulting in a range of chronic illnesses, she discovered personalised natural medicine and the associated miracles of the body and power of the mind. Philly is passionate in her belief that everything is connected and that when we learn to heal ourselves, it will help to heal this beautiful world. Find all my socials and links here


The Wellness Way with Philly J Lay is a layperson’s guide to your natural health systems. Your very own NHS. Join me as I chat through many of the astonishing natural ways I used to self heal from a near death medical procedure, PTSD, addiction to opioids and alcohol, and years of grief that lead to many chronic illnesses including a tumour in my throat.

I will be sharing clips from my new Fasterclass series, Your Natural Wellness Journey, and interviewing some of the remarkable guides that have transformed my life. We will discuss their stories, specialist fields, and what led them down the path of natural health.

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